My name is Emil Tiedemann and I love writing about the things that make me happy, such as music, my hometown, and my strange obsession with horror cinema.
I am a nêhiyaw (Cree) writer, graphic designer, game designer, and amateur photographer from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where I ran/run an award-winning blog (I Heart Edmonton), published my first 10 books, and never ran a marathon (yet)! I have also written articles that have appeared in publications like The Toronto Star, VUE Weekly, and the national Indigenous newspaper Windspeaker, and I previously served as the Communications Director of the Edmonton Pride Festival Society.
I have provided social media and graphic design content for various companies and organizations through the years, including TELUS, Shaw Communications, Edmonton Elks, Booster Juice, Edo Japan, and McDonald's Canada.
In 2022, I published my first game, The Fame Name Game, and have since published two more, including a trivia boardgame called Quest Alberta (2024), and a conversation starter card game titled SparQs (2024).
I am in my 40s now and am currently in the process of embracing a 2.0 version of myself, because I believe self-improvement is a necessity for a happy and healthy life. That's where you can follow along with me and my "journey," through my personal blog The Overhaul, where I share my thoughts and experiences with anyone who cares!

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Media Spots
Here are some occasions when people in the media gave me the time of day...
- 630 CHED radio interview with Courtney Theriault about my book, The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (8/23/2024).
- Speaking Municipally podcast with Troy Pavlek and Mack Male, where I played Edmonton-themed Jeopardy! with actual former Jeopardy! contestants from Edmonton, Kyle Marshall and Sam Papuha. (12/13/2023).
- 630 CHED radio interview with Shaye Ganam about my book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (7/21/2023).
- CFWE Radio interview with Sean Burke about my book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (7/10/2023).
- Alberta PrimeTimes article about my book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List, and its companion Facebook page (6/26/2023).
- Western Standard interview with Jonathan Bradley about my new book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (2/4/2023).
- Global News Morning interview with Lisa MacGregor about my new book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (12/31/2022).
- The NAIT Nugget article by Angela Kazmierczak about my new book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (11/13/2022).
- Red Deer Advocate interview with Sean McIntosh about my new book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (10/23/2022).
- The Lethbridge Herald interview with Cal Braid about my new book, The Ultimate Alberta Bucket List (10/22/2022).
- The Crash & Mars Show dedicated a segment to reading questions from my Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book on NOW! Radio (2:02:20) (2/23/2022).
- Alberta PrimeTimes interview with Lucy Haines about my new book, The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (2/16/2022).
- CBC Edmonton Radio interview with Mark Connolly and Tara McCarthy about my new book, The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (1/19/2022).
- Global News Morning interview with Lisa MacGregor about my new book, The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book (2021) (1/8/2022).
- Transforming Edmonton interview with Sandra Sperounes about my experience taking the UofA's 'Indigenous Canada' online course in 2020 (9/29/2021).
- 630 CHED interview with Reid Wilkins about my Change.org petition to have the downtown community arena renamed after the late Joey Moss (10/30/2020).
- Edmonton Journal interview with Anna Junker about my Change.org petition to have the downtown community area renamed after Joey Moss (10/27/2020).
- CTV interview with Steven Dyer about my Change.org petition to have the downtown community area renamed after Joey Moss (10/27/2020).
- CityTV interview with Courtney Theriault about my Change.org petition to have the downtown community arena renamed after Joey Moss (10/27/2020).
- CBC interview with Kyle Muzyka about a local group I was apart of called 'The Humans of Edmonton Experience,' which was focused on sharing stories of mental health/awareness, homelessness, hope, and positivity (1/9/2018).
- Edmonton Journal interview with Stephen Cook about 'The Humans of Edmonton Experience' art/social media collective I was apart of, with Jerry Cordeiro, Joy Zylstra, and Neil Kennedy (1/5/2018).
- Edmonton Journal interview with Samantha McKay about my "30-Day #buyyeg Challenge" initiative, which encouraged Edmontonians to buy local as much as possible for 30 days (2/24/2016).
- St. Albert Today interview with Scott Hayes about the 2015 Edmonton Pride Festival, as a Board member of the Edmonton Pride Festival Society (6/6/2015).
- Gay Calgary interview with Krista Sylvester about the 2015 Edmonton Pride Festival, as I was a Board member of the Edmonton Pride Festival Society from 2014-16 (5/2015).