My Year of Sobriety
If you've ever felt like you're in a rut or that you're far from where you want to be in life, then you might be in need of an overhaul. A reworking of whatever facets in your life you feel need improvement, whether it's your health, your relationships, your finances, or whatever else. Sometimes we just get too comfortable and begin to forget the lives we had intended for ourselves when we were younger. If you're eager to reboot your life, then this might be a good place to start your own #TheOverhaul!
The Overhaul
Why I Changed the Name of My Book
Alberta Bucket List Adventure #15: Try homemade perogies
My Plan to Adopt a New Healthy Lifestyle & Get Into the Best Shape of My Life!
The 25 Reasons Why I Quit Weed
Alberta Bucket List Adventure #61: Selfie at St. Paul's UFO Landing Pad
Alberta Bucket List Adventure #81: Selfies with the Giant Sausage & Perogy
Why I'm Giving Up Alcohol for (At Least) One Year
My 30 Favourite Songs of 2022
Alberta Bucket List Adventure #40: Take the U of A's free Indigenous Canada course
50x50 Challenge #48: Conquer a fear
Alberta Bucket List Adventure #84: Make Your Own Bannock
Alberta Bucket List Adventure #86: Participate In a Winter Sport/Activity
My 2022 Recap
50x50 Challenge #44: Create a Board/Card Game
My 101 Favourite Songs of 2021
My Resolutions for 2022 (& How I Did With My 2021 Goals)
The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book
Questions to Ask Yourself to Become Your Ideal Self
50x50 Challenge #26: Learn Spanish