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My Books

I started Ikigai Press in 2014 (known then as E.A.T. Publishing) in order to launch my first novel, The Turn. I had no plans after that for the brand, until I decided to write a second book, 101 Reasons Why I Heart Edmonton, in 2016. Since then, I have published eight more books under what has since become known as Ikigai Press. Feel free to explore these titles below...

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HORRIFIED! Everything You Didn't Know You Needed to Know About Horror Cinema

Whether you’re a hardcore horror movie enthusiast or simply a casual viewer, HORRIFIED! Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know About Horror Cinema is all killer, no filler, with every page packed with gruesome facts, terrifying trivia, grisly lists, and endless fear-filled fun! From the Universal Classic Monsters to the found footage craze, HORRIFIED! takes a look at dark cinema in a whole new reviews, no essays, no biographies. Instead, this book focuses in on all the other stuff you didn’t know you needed to know, including: HORROR LEGENDS KILL COUNTS! 50 GREAT HORROR MOVIE POSTERS! BEHIND THE VIDEO NASTIES! 50+ ICONIC SCREAM QUEENS! ZOMBIE MOVIE WORLD MAP! 120 HORROR MOVIE TRIVIA QUESTIONS! ANIMAL KINGDOM OF HORROR! THE WEAPONS: HOW THEY KILLED! 100 GREATEST HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME! THE UNITED STATES OF HORROR!​ THE HORROR OF A24! (2024)


WHERE TO BUY: Not available.

IKIGAI: The Adventure Journal for the World Traveller

'IKIGAI: The Adventure Journal for the World Traveller' is the ultimate way to log and journal all of your adventures, from your own backyard to the other side of the globe. Share memories, photos, and other mementos from every single country in the world; check-off every continent and capital city you've visited around the globe; colour in every American state or Canadian province you've been to; log your climbing, hiking, running, or road trip stats and highlights; challenge yourself to suggested adventures and play along with travel-centric games! Proudly display this book on your coffee table or bookshelf, and inspire others to get off their butts and find their own IKIGAI! This personal adventure journal is meant to be a part of your life for the rest of your life, capturing all the moments you never want to forget. (2023)



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The Ultimate Alberta Adventure Book: 100 Quests to Truly Experience Alberta

'The Ultimate Alberta Adventure Book' will guide you through 100 adventures that will allow you to truly experience one of the most diverse and dynamic regions on the continent. The book doubles as a personal journal to log your experiences with each of your Alberta adventures, a journey that you can take on your own, along a loved one, or with the entire family! Take on additional challenges like visiting every Provincial Park, National Historic Site, or the "giant" roadside attractions that make every road trip unforgettable. There are also 8 unique "Alberta Bingo" challenges and even a section to check off every Albertan town you've ever visited. The ultimate goal of 'The Ultimate Alberta Adventure Book' is to inspire adventure and encourage anyone to truly experience Alberta in all its glory! Happy adventures!! (2022)


WHERE TO BUY: Amazon, Audrey's Books (10702 Jasper Ave.).

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The Ultimate Movie Trivia Book

Whether you're into drama, comedy, action, horror, animation, sci-fi, rom-coms, classics, or indie films, 'The Ultimate Movie Trivia Book' has your back! This 350-page trivia book has more than 2,200 questions about movies and the people who make them, spread across a dozen categories and more than a dozen unique movie-themed challenges, including "The Hardcore Movie Buff Challenge," "Name That Actor," and "Movie Jeopardy!" From the casual movie watcher to the dedicated film buff, there's something for everyone here! And you're bound to learn something new along the way, as 'The Ultimate Movie Trivia Book' is packed with fascinating film facts and tidbits as well. So, grab a copy and test your friends and family at your next pub night, backyard get-together, road trip, virtual hangout, or movie night! And don't forget the popcorn! (2022)



The Ultimate Canadian Trivia Book

Canada has a history as massive as its square mileage (sorry, I mean kilometerage), full of fascinating and distinctive stories and people that often don't get the attention they deserve. The Ultimate Canadian Trivia Book is dedicated to bringing that history alive and making it fun to learn about for anyone and everyone willing to play along! With well-over 1,500 questions spread across more than 20 wide-ranging categories and challenges, The Ultimate Canadian Trivia Book is the perfect way to test not only your own knowledge, but that of your friends, family, co-workers, or online acquaintances. From politics and sports to showbiz and geography, this book has you covered on EVERYTHING Canadiana! (2022)


WHERE TO BUY: AmazonAudrey's Books (10702 Jasper Ave.)Edmonton Arts Council Shop (9930-102 Ave.).

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The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book

There is no place quite like Edmonton (Treaty 6), the self-proclaimed (and deservingly so) “City of Champions.” Whether it’s experiencing a heat wave, thunderstorm, and snowfall within the same week, or getting to ride a giant rollercoaster or zipline INDOORS(!), Edmonton is a unique, diverse, and daring city with a compelling past and a bright future. It seemed only natural for Edmonton to receive the trivia book treatment, with so many intriguing stories, people, and places to talk about. Spread across 20 different categories, there are nearly 700 questions about Whyte Avenue, the High Level, former mayors, the Oilers and Elks, the countless festivals, new restaurants, old bars, Joey Moss, that mall, the North Saskatchewan, our Indigenous roots, and even Janis Irwin’s cat! And there’s so much more to ponder over – including a 30-page timeline of fascinating facts – so you’re bound to learn some new things about Edmonton along the way! (2021)


WHERE TO BUY: Amazon, Audrey's Books (10702 Jasper Ave.), Edmonton Arts Council Shop (9930-102 Ave.), Indigo South Common (1837-99 St.), Art Gallery of Alberta (2 Sir Winston Churchill Square), The Prints and the Paper (10725-124 St.).

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The 100 Greatest Horror Movies Challenge

Do you consider yourself a horror movie buff? Do you like a challenge? If you answered ‘YES’ to both of these questions and if you’re up for it, you need to take The 100 Greatest Horror Movies Challenge! Instead of simply coming up with another “Top 100 Horror Movies” list, this book combines the rankings of the greatest horror movies as chosen by a dozen different publications and websites and offers a list to end all lists. Your mission is to view each one of these 100 films and then log, rate, and review them right herein this book, which doubles as your personal horror movie journal. There is plenty of room to record your favourite horror movie experiences and even log all the horror films you’ve seen as well. Share your results with your friends or go head-to-head with them and discover who’s the bigger horror movie buff. Along the way, you get to enjoy the best of what horror cinema has to offer. (2020)



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The 100 Greatest Movies Challenge: Diary of a Film Buff

The 100 Greatest Movies Challenge is the ultimate list of the Top 100 movies of all time, as it accumulates and calculates the lists of 10 different publications, organizations, and websites to come up with the best of the best of cinema. Take on the challenge by watching each title and then, using this book, log, rate, and review each film as well. To make it even more fun, challenge a friend or a family member and see who's the biggest movie buff you know! The book doubles as your own personal movie journal, allowing you to record your favourite (and worst) movie memories, as well as the ability to play along with various additional movie challenges, such as watching every Best Picture Oscar winner, all of the James Bond flicks, or each Disney animated theatrical release! This is the perfect book for that movie fan in your life or for whomever wants to expand their own cinematic experience. Just don't forget the popcorn! (2020)



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Popular Girls: Moments of Triumph, Tragedy & Trailblazing in a Century of Women in Music

Women in the music industry have always had to struggle to earn the same respect as their male counterparts, and for decades biographers have skimped on their stories. Popular Girls sets out to change that and share the moments of triumph, tragedy and trailblazing in a century (and more) of women in music. From Billie Holiday to Billie Eilish, you can count on every notable name in the industry to have her story told here. (2020)



101 Reasons Why I Heart Edmonton

Edmonton is a place of opportunity and prosperity, where folks celebrate their diversity, culture, social equality, sustainability, and so much more. There are so many reasons why I am in love with my hometown Edmonton, so many in fact that I felt compelled to put together this book. Flip through these pages and you'll soon understand why I - and so many others - heart Edmonton, and why you will too! (2016)



The Turn

Even before the world was overrun by insatiable "biters," Andrew was indifferent when it came to everything in his life, still struggling with an immense loss. But, with no understanding as to why, his survival instincts kick in during "the turn," and Andrew sets out to find a way to live amongst the undead. Now he's got to figure out why he bothers to carry on, when all he wants is to end it for good. (2014)



Other Writings

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In honour of celebrating 35 years of Pride in the Edmonton region and the return of the Pride Parade to Whyte Avenue, this commemorative magazine was compiled and distributed by the Board of Directors of the Edmonton Pride Festival. I penned nine articles for the 65-page glossy publication that was sold for a limited time during the 35th annual Edmonton Pride Festival in the summer of 2015. 

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In 2022, I worked briefly as a freelance journalist for Windspeaker, Canada’s national Indigenous news source since 1983. Below are the articles I have contributed to the online publication...

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies."


I'm a proud Canadian who is from the beautiful city of Edmonton, Alberta. I am a writer, graphic designer, and award-winning blogger who loves to read, write, watch movies, and listen to all sorts of music. I can also probably kick your ass at Ms. Pac-Man! Read more... 

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