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If you've ever felt like you're in a rut or that you're far from where you want to be in life, then you might be in need of an overhaul. A reworking of whatever facets in your life you feel need improvement, whether it's your health, your relationships, your finances, or whatever else. Sometimes we just get too comfortable and begin to forget the lives we had intended for ourselves when we were younger. If you're eager to reboot your life, then this might be a good place to start your own #TheOverhaul!
The Overhaul

Emil Tiedemann
Jun 1, 20235 min read
My Plan to Adopt a New Healthy Lifestyle & Get Into the Best Shape of My Life!
BY EMIL TIEDEMANN I am tired. I am tired of waking up wanting to go right back to sleep. I am tired of having sporadic aches and pains...

Emil Tiedemann
May 12, 20238 min read
The 25 Reasons Why I Quit Weed
BY EMIL TIEDEMANN For years, I lived in doped-up denial. I thought that weed was the solution to all my problems, and then some. It...

Emil Tiedemann
Feb 1, 20233 min read
50x50 Challenge #48: Conquer a fear
One of the true signs of growth, in my opinion, is facing one of your fears. "If you don't overcome your fears, you will never move from...

Emil Tiedemann
Aug 10, 20226 min read
50x50 Challenge #44: Create a Board/Card Game
I wasn't even into my teens when I started making up my own games, including entire board games made out of loose-leaf paper glued to...

Emil Tiedemann
Dec 19, 20213 min read
My Resolutions for 2022 (& How I Did With My 2021 Goals)
Although I had high hopes for 2021, in terms of COVID relief, the year turned out to be a giant letdown. In fact, even as I write this,...

Emil Tiedemann
Dec 4, 20212 min read
The Ultimate Edmonton Trivia Book
In case you haven't already guessed by now, I'm a big ol' nerd! Not the kind who's obsessed with Marvel movies or Dungeons & Dragons, but...

Emil Tiedemann
Sep 22, 20213 min read
50x50 Challenge #26: Learn Spanish
Knowing a second language opens up an entire new world to you, allowing you to easily and naturally communicate with a whole new group of...

Emil Tiedemann
Sep 19, 20212 min read
50x50 Challenge #18: Volunteer Again
I was in my late twenties when I started volunteering for various organizations and events in my hometown of Edmonton, including the...

Emil Tiedemann
Sep 19, 20212 min read
50x50 Challenge #11: Purchase a Bicycle
It's probably been at least 20 years since the last time I rode a bicycle, and definitely longer than that since I've actually owned a...

Emil Tiedemann
Aug 30, 20212 min read
50x50 Challenge #13: Invest My Money
I love my parents, of course, and am so grateful for how they raised me. However, if I were to file just one complaint about my mom and...

Emil Tiedemann
Aug 23, 20212 min read
50x50 Challenge #15: Get to Know My Hometown (More)
I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and I've been writing a blog about how amazing my hometown is for the last 12 years, since...

Emil Tiedemann
Aug 23, 20212 min read
50x50 Challenge #25: Start a YouTube Channel
I happen to have a speech impediment. It's really just a minor lisp that occasionally hijacks my confidence when I'm in the middle of any...

Emil Tiedemann
Jan 24, 20211 min read
50x50 Challenge #8: Complete 5 Challenges
I've said this before and I'll say it again: challenging ourselves is important and integral to personal growth. There are many reasons...

Emil Tiedemann
Nov 21, 20203 min read
50x50 Challenge #42: Take a Course/Class
Learning and exploring should be a life-long effort for every one, because the more you know the better equipped you are for whatever...

Emil Tiedemann
Jul 24, 20203 min read
50x50 Challenge #33: Accomplish 100 Micro to Major Feats
Sometimes "go big or go home" isn't the right sort of mentality when it comes to fulfilling one's goals and ambitions. Sometimes you have...

Emil Tiedemann
Jul 23, 20204 min read
50x50 Challenge #37: Finish My '100 Movies' Lists
Movies offer a glimpse into other worlds, real or imaginary, which allows us an escape from whatever it is we're trying to escape from....

Emil Tiedemann
Jul 12, 20201 min read
50x50 Challenge #7: Discover My Ancestry
Most of us think we know who we are, in terms of our ancestry, but do we really know?! All my life, I believed I was about a quarter...

Emil Tiedemann
Jul 7, 202010 min read
50x50 Challenge #23: Publish My Fourth Book
On June 14, 2020, after nearly two and half years in the making, I finally published my fourth book, Popular Girls: Moments of Triumph,...

Emil Tiedemann
Jul 6, 20202 min read
50x50 Challenge #4: Read 100 Books
Never trust anybody who hasn't read a book after high school or college, or who doesn't at least have a few books on a shelf somewhere....

Emil Tiedemann
Jul 6, 20201 min read
50x50 Challenge #3: Start a New Website
I've had personal websites in the past but nothing that I was ever truly satisfied with, and to be honest, it's been years since the...
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